QuackFuzed.com is the personal ColdFusion coding blog of Matt Quackenbush. It exists primarily as a place for the author to learn, and hopefully to assist others in learning and/or avoiding some of the same pitfalls and mistakes. (Quack certainly makes enough mistakes daily to make up for the entire ColdFusion community.)

Mura CMS Mailing List Import: How to Avoid a PATH Error

Posted on September 3, 2011 at 5:58 PM in ColdFusion, Mura CMS

Before I get into the meat of the post, I have to give some major props to the folks at Blue River. In no particular order, Christine, Sean, Matt, Malcom, Steve, and Eddie put together an absolutely awesome conference, MuraCon 2011 last week in beautiful Sacramento, CA. For a first-year conference, I think MuraCon knocked it out of the park. Here's to hoping for a MuraCon 2012!

Just one request for 2012, guys: Can we do it one week earlier so I don't have to miss another football game/band performance? I thoroughly enjoyed hanging with you guys, but I've been in Texas for over a decade now, and, well, from late August until just before Christmas, Friday Night is meant for the Lights! :D

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