QuackFuzed.com is the personal ColdFusion coding blog of Matt Quackenbush. It exists primarily as a place for the author to learn, and hopefully to assist others in learning and/or avoiding some of the same pitfalls and mistakes. (Quack certainly makes enough mistakes daily to make up for the entire ColdFusion community.)

I Am a Complete Moron

Posted on June 17, 2009 at 7:33 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

Ayep, you read the title right. Quite frankly, it totally sucks that I have been forced to come to that realization, but I suppose in the end, it is better that I realized it before it was too late.

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Using Multi-Word-Actions in ColdBox 2.6

Posted on November 11, 2008 at 5:06 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

The other day Jason Durham posed a question to me:

How can I go about using multi-word actions, using hyphens as separators, in my ColdBox handlers?

After my initial "Why on earth would you want to do that?" response, Jason pointed out the SEO benefits of doing so, which makes perfect sense. (That's when I thought to myself, "Hmmm, why didn't I think of that?")

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Where In The World Is The Next ColdBox Training Session?

Posted on November 5, 2008 at 4:25 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

The question:

Where in the world is the next ColdBox training session going to take place?

The answer:

Like about everything else in ColdFusion, "it depends". That is, it depends upon YOU! That's right folks, YOU can have a say in where the next ColdBox training session takes place. Go right now to the ColdBox blog and voice your opinion.

ColdBox Platform Training Seminars Releases October 2008 Outline and Extends Early-Bird Price

Posted on August 5, 2008 at 4:58 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

Rancho Cucamonga, CA, August 5, 2008 - ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars today released the Course Outline for their October 2008 ColdBox Platform 101 seminar to be held in Dallas, Texas, and also announced that the Early-Bird Special Price of just $1,195 has been extended through August 31, 2008. Registrants can take advantage of this $200 savings over the full seminar price of $1,395 by completing their registration before 5PM (Pacific Daylight Time) on August 31, 2008.

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Transfer: Incrementing IDs and an Oooops

Posted on July 21, 2008 at 6:53 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion, Transfer

Transfer allows you the option of having the database handle your IDs for new records (e.g. 'identity' in MSSQL or 'auto_increment' in MySQL), which is the default behavior for Transfer, or you can have Transfer generate your new IDs for you by utilizing the 'generate' attribute on your ID tag in your transfer.xml config file, and setting it to 'true'. I personally prefer having the database handle my IDs for me, so I never really paid much attention to this particular feature of Transfer until recently.

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ColdBox Reaches 2.6 Final Release

Posted on July 21, 2008 at 2:28 AM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

Luis Majano announced that ColdBox hit 2.6 Final Release today. This release boasts a number of new features. Here is a quick overview of some of my personal favorites:

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ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars Announces Early-Bird Special Pricing for October 2008

Posted on July 4, 2008 at 12:28 AM in ColdBox

Ontario, CA, July 3, 2008 - ColdBox Platform Official Training Seminars today announced an Early-Bird Special discount registration price of just $1,195 for their October 2008 ColdBox Platform 101 seminar to be held in Dallas, Texas. Registrants can take advantage of this $200 savings over the full seminar price of $1,395 by completing their registration before 5PM (Pacific Daylight Time) on July 31, 2008.

The ColdBox Platform 101 Seminar is a 2-Day Introduction to ColdBox and ColdBox Platform Application Development providing 16+ hours of intense, hands-on training with ColdBox author Luis Majano and other qualified ColdBox Trainers in an intimate setting with only 15 seats available. Attendees will be guided through a quick overview of ColdBox and then step-by-step instruction on putting ColdBox to work for themselves in their own applications. The skills learned in this seminar can be immediately applied to a developer's daily tasks.

For more information on ColdBox Platform Training or to register, please visit the ColdBox Training web site.

ColdBox 2.6 RC2 Released

Posted on June 16, 2008 at 6:57 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

Luis Majano announced that ColdBox 2.6 RC2 is now available. Check out the following diagram of this awesome application platform:

ColdBox Application Platform Diagram

If you're still on the fence about ColdBox, I urge you to download and take a serious look.

ColdBox: Using 'Persist'

Posted on June 10, 2008 at 5:48 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

Back in the ColdBox 2.5.1 release, a new feature was added: persist. Think of it as a sort of "flash memory", allowing your application to "remember" event variables when moving the user to the next event. I was recently asked about this feature, so I figured I would make a quick post about it in an effort to help more people.

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Another Development House Goes Cold

Posted on June 10, 2008 at 5:20 PM in ColdBox, ColdFusion

Amcom Technology, a software development house based in the San Francisco Bay Area just announced their move to ColdBox. As an avid ColdBox supporter and user myself, I am happy to hear of more people coming on board.

In his announcement, Tariq Ahmed, Manager of Product Development, made the following statement:

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