I Love Gmail But...

Posted on January 23, 2008 at 3:40 PM in Rants

I truly love Gmail, especially for lists, but there's one thing that just annoys the living hell out of me:

Why is it that some items won't show up for hours and hours, and yet the timestamp on them is older than other items that appear first?

The same thing happens with Google Groups. Here's a fine example:

Timestamps out of order

It just really peeves me, for a variety of reasons, but in this particular case it just makes me look like I ignored responses to my question. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

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On 1/23/08 at 5:59 PM, Mark Mandel said:


Make sure you report these to Google, I've had this happen more than once, and they can usually do something about it.


On 1/23/08 at 9:16 PM, Matt Quackenbush said:

@Mark - I must be looking in all of the wrong places because I'm not finding where to contact them. Have a link by chance?

On 1/23/08 at 9:55 PM, Mark Mandel said:

I had to hunt for it, but I think you can go through here:

On 1/23/08 at 10:10 PM, Matt Quackenbush said:

Thanks. Took awhile to find it, but I finally was able to get to a contact page.

On 1/25/08 at 11:27 AM, Chet said:

Hey Matt, I've seen this happen too if you're not receiving email @ a gmail.com address. I've found that sometimes aliases and forwards from other domains tend to hang a bit.

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