cfUniForm v4.5 - Now on GitHub

Posted on July 4, 2011 at 8:58 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

After being prodded by several folks for over a year now to move cfUniForm to a public repository, and specifically GitHub, I am pleased to announce that I have finally taken the Git plunge. Git is a dramatic departure from SVN, but it is oh so good in oh so many ways. I feel like I am barely beginning to scratch the surface in git goodness, and can't wait to move *everything* to git.

For now, though, I just wanted to make sure and send out a quickie post to let everyone know that cfUniForm v4.5 is officially available now, and that you can grab it from RIAForge or from GitHub.

Hopefully I can find (make!) some time to get some more detailed posts out in the next few days/weeks, but for now, take a look at my Forms That Don't Suck presentation and demo code, as they contain all kinds of goodies not previously available.

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On 7/5/11 at 8:35 AM, Geoff said:

Nice to see it on GitHub! Can you tag your 4.5 release?

git tag 4.5
git push origin --tags

That way people can grab that particular fixed version - not necessarily any bleeding edge updated one...

On 7/5/11 at 10:34 AM, Matt Quackenbush said:

@ Geoff - Thanks for the reminder! I was actually planning to tag before merging develop into master, but doing so now makes sense, too. At least I won't have to remember to do so later! :-)

BTW, for those interested, 'master' will always be the current stable release. 'develop' will, of course, be the bleeding edge WIP release.

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